Facebook's Impact on the Young Audience

Facebook's Impact on the Young Audience

Facebook has a significant influence on the youth audience and is widely used among young people. This is related to the features offered by the platform and the user experience being attractive to young people. However, the increase in the use of Facebook by young people has also brought about a problem called Facebook addiction. Facebook increases social interaction and connection among young people. It facilitates communication between friends, provides the opportunity to view and participate in events and shares. This can help young people connect strongly with their social circle and get to know others better. Facebook allows young people to follow news and current events. Through the news feed, pages and groups, young people have the chance to learn about events and topics around the world. Facebook enables young people to express their feelings, thoughts and creativity digitally. Features such as photo and video sharing, stories and status updates help young people express themselves and create a digital identity.

Facebook Addiction

Facebook addiction is the constant use of the platform and it turns into an uncontrollable need. Teens may have a hard time controlling the time they spend on Facebook and may feel the urge to constantly return to the platform. Users need to constantly check the Facebook news feed and will continue to browse the platform for a long time. Likes and comments can be an indicator of social approval for teens and therefore they constantly pay attention to the posts and try to get a reaction. Excessive Facebook use can affect their sleep patterns. and can negatively affect learning processes. Excessive Facebook addiction can reduce real-world social interactions and increase feelings of loneliness. Facebook addiction is a worrying issue among young people and is an important issue for parents, educators, and other members of society to raise awareness and balance among children and young people in their use of digital media.