Is WhatsApp a Continuity app?

Is WhatsApp a Continuity app?

WhatsApp is not a continuity app. WhatsApp is an instant messaging and calling application that provides communication tools such as text messages, voice messages, video calls, images, videos, documents and location information. WhatsApp allows users to text and call for free over an internet connection. WhatsApp is a popular instant messaging platform and has billions of users around the world. The application has a simple interface that makes it easy for people to communicate and message each other. Users can find other WhatsApp users by their phone number and send their messages, pictures, videos and audio recordings.

A continuity app is an app that helps you track the continuity and history of something. For example, apps like note-taking, calendar, reminder, or file sync are constantly updated and synchronized to help a user manage work or personal tasks and information. WhatsApp does not offer such functionality; because its main purpose is instant messaging and audio/video calls.

WhatsApp Star Message

 Starred messages in WhatsApp is a feature that allows you to easily find and access important messages that you have marked as private or set as favourites. You can use it to save important information or create reminders thanks to starred messages. Starred messages are marked as hidden from other users that only you can see. Open WhatsApp and select the message you want to star. Press and hold on the message or click the three-dot menu icon next to the message. From the pop-up menu, select the "Star" option. When you star a message, a message appears next to the message. star icon will appear. This way, you can use the search or starred messages section of WhatsApp to easily find that message. Starred messages are useful for keeping important notes, addresses, task reminders and other important information. It also helps you easily find important information in long chats or group chats on WhatsApp.